Welcome to Jewtoons!
I'm ThatNerdyJew, I love Cartoons!
Gorillaz was band.. but now it's a TV SHOW?! FIND OUT MORE!!!
In this video ThatNerdyJew also known as Greyson Adams talks in this episode of Cartoon Chaos! about the new upcoming series based on the virtual animated band Gorillaz. Thanks for watching this video be sure to hit that subscribe button if you are new to this channel and maybe if you’re interested in seeing this in the best quality possible head over to my Patreon to support me!
Top 10 SuperMarioLogan Facts You Probably Didn't Know!
In this video ThatNerdyJew gives the top 10 listing of the SML facts fans probably didn't know.
Official Release Date (Rick and Morty)
In this video ThatNerdyJew gives off some theoretical thoughts on the official release of Dan Harman and Justin Roiland's Rick and Morty!
Happy Birthday ThatNerdyJew!
In this video ThatNerdyJew talks about growing up as an artist as well as celebrating his birthday. Sharing fanart, videos from fans and much more!
Chris Savino is a SEX OFFENDER?! He's gotten fired from Nickelodeon as well as becoming qualified as a REGISTERED SEX OFFENDER!!! Find out more today here on Cartoon Chaos!
THROWBACK To my VERY first video on my first series Cartoon Chaos! Today we’re talking about some updates on the Gorillaz Television show as well as their NEW clothing line!
Has Logan Thirtyacre been cheating on his girlfriend Chilly?! Let's talk about it here! on Cartoon Chaos!
An Update Video following the SML Drama
Logan Thirtyacre POTENTIAL Sociopath? It's true you cannot just diagnose a man you've never met, but let's talk about the POSSIBILITIES HERE and WHY!
Chilly wants to get married?! Probably not but let's talk about why we would think that!
Top 10 Jeffy Facts that YOU probably didn't know!